
I have a passion for designing logo. One of the first thing I do for a project is usually design one. This is a list of some logos I have creates for the different projects I have worked on.


This is the logo for the Jabble project, which aim was to simulate Eistein equations of general relativity.

In the background you can can see 5 grids that represent the coordinate lines of a gravitational wave passing by.



This I created for the siteAAA (Authentication, Authorization and Accounting) when I was working for the RHIC and ATLAS Computing Facility between 2004 and 2006.

The triple A become the picks of three mountains, separated by two rivers.



This is the logo for the STAR GRID project, which I was part of between 2002 and 2004.

The logo is essentially a merge of the STAR collaboration logo and the Particle Physics Data Grid logo.